

People in Japan are concerned about torture scenes in Japanese prison camps on USA Olympian Louis Zamperini, but real torture is sitting through this very flat movie. The script is OK, but direction and camerawork is so boring and banal that almost no thrill and devoid of movie magic which makes us believe real and palpable.

All the characters including Zamperini are not interesting. Only exception is a sadistic Japanese guard who torture Zamperini played by Miyavi. He is no great actor, but at least he showed some personality. Since no personality felt from Zamperini and other POW, torture scenes was nothing visceral and those are not that violent as a war film anyway. There was no reaction from audience when Zamperini was tortured (I was only Japanese in the theater) and seemed like more people went to the bathroom than usual. The best scene came to the very end and very brief- the footage of real Zamperini running as a torch bearer in Nagano Winter Olympic. This good true story deserves better direction.